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At Chicago Commons, we serve the whole family.

Our Family Hub is a crucial link to career pathways and comprehensive support services, fostering family stability and empowering families to break the cycle of poverty and thrive across generations.

For families with young children, research indicates that integrating services across generations does more for children’s long-term well-being than serving parents or children in isolation. Our holistic, multigenerational approach enhances economic mobility and promotes overall family well-being.

Empowering Parents by Helping Them:
Set, pursue and achieve goals
Enhance financial literacy
Effectively manage finances
Improve both physical and mental health
Set, pursue and achieve goals
Enhance financial literacy
Effectively manage finances
Improve both physical and mental health
Acquire employment and job-readiness skills
Pursue further education for careers
Enhance digital literacy
Advocate for themselves, their children and their communities
Pathways for Parents Program

The Family Hub offers several pathways for parents to advance and pursue their dreams. From higher education to entrepreneurship to becoming early childhood educators, our coaches guide parents in navigating life’s challenges to realize their dreams.

We’ve developed partnerships with career pathway programs in finance, insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, and more while establishing a family-supportive wraparound approach that helps address barriers to entry and persistence with student parent-to-parent groups, digital literacy, childcare, and meals on the night of classes.

Early Childhood Education Pathway

This cohort-based program provides fully subsidized college courses at one of our Early Childhood Education centers, guidance to qualify as a teacher’s assistant, and assistance with transportation, meals, and childcare. Upon earning six college credits, participants become eligible to be hired as Teacher’s Aides in early education.

Apply for the next Early Childhood Education Pathways for Parents cohort. If preferred, email for more information.

Our Impact

While numbers are important, we also encourage you to see and read some of our amazing stories on our impact page.  

At a glance, these are our impact numbers.

Parent Participation
Participants in Family Hub Services
Completed at least one service referral
0 %
Employment and Education
Individuals received coaching
Enrolled in job training, education, or work-based learning
0 %
Financial Capability
Individuals created a financial plan or budget
Of participants reduced debt
0 %
Awarded to families from Little Scholars Fund
$ 0
Health and Wellness
Individuals participated in health and wellness workshops
Of workshop participants reported improved eating habits
0 %
Of workshop participants learned something new
0 %

Inquiry Form

Are you interested in learning more about our Family Hub or other services? Please complete this service request form, and we will respond promptly.

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