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Chicago Commons is delighted to share the following stories with you. By sharing the diverse journeys of the people we serve, we aim to provide you with a deeper understanding of who they are and how your support enables them to live their fullest lives today and for future generations.
A photo of Stephen and Martin.
Meet Stephen and Marvin

“Brothers From Another Mother.”

A photo of Leslie and Joel.
Meet Leslie and Joel

“They helped me learn how to talk.”

Meet Jenny

A Journey of Resilience and Empowerment

Meet Aleli

“If You Can Do It, I Can Too!”

Meet the Cortez Family

From Early Childhood to Lifelong Success

Meet Paul and Melissa

“Chicago Commons Enabled Us to Maintain Our Quality of Life.”

A photo Mary Lou and Bill.
Meet Mary Lou and Bill

A Family’s Enduring Connection with Chicago Commons

A photo of the Quiroz family.
Meet the Quiroz Family

“Thanks, to Chicago Commons, I’m studying to be a Physicist.”

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